Anda hanya bisa menjawab 5 dari 25 soal. Untuk bisa menjawab semua soal tryout silakan lakukan pembelian paket soal.

Anda harus masuk dulu untuk bisa melakukan pembelian paket soal. Terima kasih.
Kelompok Soal
Mata Pelajaran
Paket Soal
Reference questions/Soal Latihan
Soal nomor / 25

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This course is designed and devoted to an in-depth study of the American experience as captured in the seminal works of masters of American literature in the Iasi 250 years. Beginning with poetry and stories, students are exposed to the various periods of American literature and the ideas and forces that shaped the writing of those times. They are challenged to study how various genres of writing and speaking transformed over time as Americans spread across the continent and built cities. It focuses on historical as well as literary themes through reading, writing, listening/viewing, and speaking. The analysis, interpre¬tation and appreciation of the many aspects of American literature is emphasized throughout the course. By the end of this course students will have developed an intimate familiarity with the American literary scene while also acquiring a firm grasp on the ways in which ideas can be communicated.

The word they in Line 5 refers to_____.

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