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Soal no. 151 s.d. 157 mengacu pada bacaan berikut

Prepared For the Worst

Just outside Yokohama stadium, several hundred- policemen stare down the crowd. “Quite down”, booms a voice, in English, Spanish and Japanese, over the loudspeaker. “Disperse immediately.” Some 50 screaming “hooligans”, faces painted and armed with burning wooden stick, throw chairs back at the front line. Firecrackers explode ali around. An electric billboard flickers the same warning. The rioters grow only more threatening. Suddenly water cannon appear, and within minutes the last persistent “thug” is knocked to the ground. Another Japanese dress rehearsal for World Cup 2002 has ended in success and without casu jlties.

As Asian opens its arms to the world’s best teams and nearly 1 miliion of their supporters is keeping another set of arms firmly braced to combat hooliganism. Fearing a repeat of Marseilles 1998, where nearly 50 were arrested and 30 injured in clashes between England and Tunisia supporters, Japan and Korea has taken every precaution. But while South Korea has decades of exprienced in quelling aggressive demonstrations including rampant pro- democracy railies in the 980’s-Japan has virtually had to learn from scratch. To adds to its trouble, Japan was the unlucky winner chosen to host England, the teams most infamous for its hooligans.

So far, the crash course has gone well. Since 1998, Japanese official have toured Europe and South America, Consulting top football authorities to learn how to fight the game’s main malady and to train in the art of “spotting” locating potential troublemakers in a crowd of football supporters. And the best in the world are lending a hand; about 100 of the world’s top supporters from 4 different countries are expected to attend World Cup 2002 to assist local authorities.

(Beith & Takayama, Newsweek, June 3rd, 2002)

151.      The crash mentioned in paragraph 1...

A.  is an actual event in Yokohama

B.      is an outrageous moment ever happened in Japan

C.  is a rehearsal prepared World Cup 2002

D.  was unsuccesful precaution for World Cup 2002

jawaban :  A

Dari paragraf pertama dijelaskan bahwa kerusuhan atau bentrokan (the crash)terjadi di Yokohama.


152.      Japan ... to host England.

A.  has deliberately choosen

B.  was unfortunately given a chance

C.  is practically experienced

D.  is the winner of all

jawaban : Dari kalimat keempat paragraf kedua, disebutkan bahwa Jepang adalah pemenang yang kurang beruntung terpilih untuk menjadi tuan rumah bagi (tim) Inggris.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar: Japan was unfortunately given a chance to host England.

 Japan and South Korea have to take every precaution, because...

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