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Kelompok Soal
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Paket Soal
Soal nomor / 15

(Man)       :

Good morning, students. In our last class, we were talking about regulation in the advertising industry. In fact, as you may remember, / said advertising was one of the most heavily regulated industries in the United States, and I gave as an example the law that prohibits advertising tobacco products on television. Now, in today’s class, I want to tell you about self- regulation in advertising, which the industry has adopted as a way to stop abuses before they can occur. As we’ll see, these self-imposed codes of ethics are intended to control not bad taste but also misrepresentation and deception—-although, of course, they don't always work. Any questions before we get started?

On the recording you hear:

(Narrator): Who is the man likely to be?

In your test book you read:



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