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TOEFL/Try Out 1/Section 3 (Reading Comprehension)
Soal nomor / 60

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John F. Kennedy, who was the thirty-fifth President of the United States, was born in Brockline, Massachusetts in 1917. Because his father was Ambassador to England, he was exposed to politics early in life. Deciding to enter the political arena, he ran for Congress from Massachusetts and was elected to the Senate in 1953. His term ended in 1960, when he was elected as President in same year at the age of 43. He was not only the first Roman Catholic but also the youngest man ever to occupy the presidency. He had planned to run again in the 1964 election year, but he was assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. Although Kennedy served America such a short time, he inspired people all over the free world because of his youth, his spirit, and his style.

What is the topic of the passage?


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