Anda hanya bisa menjawab 5 dari 15 soal. Untuk bisa menjawab semua soal tryout silakan lakukan pembelian paket soal.

Anda harus masuk dulu untuk bisa melakukan pembelian paket soal. Terima kasih.
Kelompok Soal
Mata Pelajaran
Paket Soal
Soal nomor / 15

(Woman)  : Hey, why aren’t you at the physics lab?
(Man)       : I don’t have lab on Tuesdays.
(Woman)  : Today’s not Tuesday—it’s Wednesday! Really, I think you would forget your head if it weren’t attached to your shoulders.
(Man)       : Oh no!
(Woman)  : You can just make it if you take my car.
(Man)       : Thanks, I’ll be careful with it!

On the recording you hear:

(Narrator): What does the woman mean by “you would forget your head if it weren’t attached to your shoul­ders”?

In your test book you read:


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Jawaban Anda adalah ?